例句 1:
The output of this logical OR gate depends on the state of at least one input.
例句 2:
In digital circuit design, the logical OR gate is an essential component.
例句 3:
We need to use a logical OR gate to solve this issue.
這是邏輯或閘的簡稱,廣泛用於數位電路中。它的功能是接收多個輸入信號,並在任何一個信號為真時輸出真。OR 閘是數位邏輯中最基本的元件之一,常用於計算機和電子設備中。
例句 1:
這個 OR 閘的設計非常簡單,但功能強大。
The design of this OR gate is very simple, yet powerful.
例句 2:
在這個電路中,OR 閘用於合併多個信號。
In this circuit, the OR gate is used to combine multiple signals.
例句 3:
OR 閘的真值表顯示了所有可能的輸入組合。
The truth table for the OR gate shows all possible input combinations.
例句 1:
In logic, the disjunction of two propositions means that at least one can be true.
例句 2:
We can use disjunction to simplify this logical expression.
例句 3:
Disjunction has important applications in digital circuit design.
這是一種邏輯運算,表示至少一個輸入為真時輸出為真。它與排他性或(Exclusive OR)不同,後者僅在一個輸入為真而另一個為假時輸出為真。這一術語在數位邏輯中經常被使用,以強調其包含性。
例句 1:
這個電路使用了包含 OR 的邏輯運算。
This circuit uses the inclusive OR logical operation.
例句 2:
在這種情況下,包含 OR 的輸出會在任一輸入為真時為真。
In this case, the output of the inclusive OR will be true if any input is true.
例句 3:
理解包含 OR 和排他性或之間的區別是很重要的。
It is important to understand the difference between inclusive OR and exclusive OR.